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Street Food
Grow your foodtruck business by offering a better experience to your customers.

Ogumy The Foodtruck App
Get more reach, visibility and customers at your fingertips! Wherever you want to be, predicting your business can be so easy. You do not have to leave your success to chance. Be at the right time at the right place. The ogumy mobile app puts the customer right in front of your business, you just have to service them.

Taking orders manually?
What about receiving pre-orders from customers? If you want to sell online and get paid automaticaly, here is what you want. Display your food menu on the Ogumy app, customers can order from their smartphone and come only for pick-up.

Wrong Place?
How can you find the right place for your business? If you are looking to be at the right place at the right time, then you’ve found your solution. No more guessing the best time and where to place your foodtruck.

Missing Out Customers?
How can you make sure you are where your customers are? It takes more than timing. If you want to know where your customers are hanging out, then you’ve found your solution. Make your customers find you wherever you are and whenever.

Endless Queues?
How can you have your customers waiting less and service them much faster? If your customers are frustrated of waiting too long in the queue until you can services them, here is your solution.
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